Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-30
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 30, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Why I Left Google
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Kaspersky Antivirus 2009 source code leaked
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Hunting Hydrogen Balloons with Fireworks
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As Egypt Erupts, Al Jazeera Offers Its News for Free to Other Networks
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Why can't people in US watch Al Jazeera?
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Mark Zuckerberg on SNL (video)
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Egypt shuts down Al Jazeera bureau
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Ask HN: What's your favorite bookmarked HN thread?
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Canadians Just Became World's Biggest Internet Losers.
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Electronic Frontier Foundation Uncovers Widespread FBI Intelligence Violations
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-29
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 29, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Rare pictures of North Korea
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How Egypt Switched Off The Internet
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How Organized Spam is Taking Control of Google's Search Results
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HN: I'm building a TC alternative. Will you share your startup's story with me?
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Why Dropbox Succeeded and Syncplicity Didn’t
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How the FBI raided Anonymous
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Ask HN: Just received an offer for our company, what now?
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Github now publishes all DMCA takedown notices they receive here.
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Yuri Milner, SV Angel Offer Every New Y Combinator Startup $150k
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Scott Adams: How to Tax the Rich
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-28
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 28, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
How to Make Trillions of Dollars
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One with Vim
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Egypt has shut off the Internet (update: not everywhere)
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Quora Blocks Startup Search Engines
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Google Translate Easter Egg
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Views from an Egyptian
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Sublime Text 2: Public Alpha Released
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Redis: the AK-47 of databases
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Google algorithm change launched
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Would-Be Suicide Bomber Killed by Unexpected SMS From Mobile Carrier
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-27
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 27, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Poll: Where do you work?
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Greplin (YC W10) open sources 10-15x faster protocol buffers for Python
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Google Starts Censoring BitTorrent, RapidShare and More
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My biggest frustration with Google AdWords
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Tutorspree (YC W11) Is An Airbnb For Tutoring
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The piece of paper that fooled Hitler
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Power user replacements for OS X default apps
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Oracle discontinues Ruby/Rails support for NetBeans
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Oxford announces new degree in Computer Science and Philosophy
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Netflix Performance on Top ISP Networks
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-26
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 26, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Hacker News app for Android (with login, voting, and commenting)
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An USB plug that goes both ways
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Why I Wrote a Programmer's Text Editor
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"Nothing like this will be built again": a tour of a working nuclear reactor
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What if Visual Studio had Achievements?
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New in Gmail Labs: Unread message icon
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John's Phone: a minimalist cell phone
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How (not) to write Factorial in Java
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Ask HN: Review RentPost.com
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Grubwithus (YC W11) Brings Strangers Together Over Social Meals
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-25
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 25, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Qwiki Epitomizes the Current Startup Bubble
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HTML4 logo
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Mythbusting: Why Firefox 4 won’t score 100 on Acid3
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How the iPhone mail app decides when to show you new mail
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Close Tab Behaviour in Google Chrome
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1 Damn Easy Way to Improve User Experience
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Introducing Amazon Simple Email Service
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Startup Suicide -- Rewriting the Code
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37Signals to retire OpenID for logins on May 1
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OAuth Will Murder Your Children
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-24
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 24, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Why I Don’t Buy the Quora Hype
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Hacker Shows It Doesn’t Take $8 Million to Clone Qwiki
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Using Python generators for real work [pdf]
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Tim Cook Is Running Apple, but Not Imitating Steve Jobs
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How I Screwed Yasser Arafat out of $2mm (and lost $100mm in the process)
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Waking up at 5am, my nearly 1 year review
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Why 3D doesn't work and never will.
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Search leakage is not FUD. Google et al., please fix it.
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ACM considered harmful
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Rent vs. Buy Visualization of Top 50 Cities
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-23
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 23, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Hans Reiser: former genius, convicted murderer and future mad scientist?
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How I almost killed Facebook
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ITerm 2
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20-line patch to Firefox 4 that makes startup on Windows 2x as fast
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Humans.txt, like robots.txt, but for humans.
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Always pay your web developers
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Life as a Second Class Citizen of the Web
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Ask PG: Please revert the change to break up discussions in multiple pages?
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Delegate or die: the self-employed trap
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eBooks compiled from top StackOverflow topics/answers
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-22
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 22, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
CSS background image hacks
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Why Is Eric Schmidt Stepping Down at Google?
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David E. Chen: Discovering the Heroku Vulnerability
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1000Memories in 60 seconds (video, YC S10)
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Fun with HTTP headers
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JavaScript ( (__ = $ + $)[+$] + ({} + $)[_/_] +({} + $)[_/_] )
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Python, the Web and Little Things on my Mind
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MRI shows meditation changes brain structure in 8 weeks
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Do It Yourself Masters in Financial Engineering
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Free Wordpress themes coming with a price
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-21
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 21, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Apple’s diabolical plan to screw your iPhone
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Ask HN: Do you meditate? How/Why?
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Learning from Twitter
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Google to Launch Groupon Competitor
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AppHarbor (YC W11): "Azure Done Right"
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Pypy wants you - now's the time to start contributing to Pypy
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Oops: Android contains directly copied Java code, strengthening Oracle’s case
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Google search and search engine spam
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Why can't all "tech" journalism be like this?
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Oops: No copied Java code or weapons of mass destruction found in Android
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-20
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 20, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Senator Al Franken: No joke, Comcast trying to whack Netflix
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Sony uses DMCA to silence speech that reveals its security flaws
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The polynomial algorithm for 3-SAT problem (or P=NP)
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DuckDuckGo Challenges Google on Privacy (With a Billboard in San Francisco)
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The miserable programmer paradox
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Twitter Gets Sued For Letting Famous People Interact Online
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What happened to the 11 employees of Microsoft in the 1978 photo
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Impossible for the HN crowd: Do nothing for 2 minutes
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How To Use Amazon EC2 as Your Desktop
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Eric Schmidt: On April 4th I Will Step Down, Larry Page to be CEO
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-19
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 19, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Introduction to Gnome 3
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Tarsnap critical security bug
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Apple Reports First Quarter Results
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Everything you need to know about cryptography in 1 hour, by Colin Percival
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Ask HN/PG: Why are comments being paginated?
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Facebook is what happens to the Web when you hit it with the stupid stick
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Introducing AWS Elastic Beanstalk
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Website calculates how your life might be like in another country.
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No double standards: supporting Google's push for WebM
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Why HN was slow and how Rtm fixed it
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-18
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 18, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
I Can Crack Your App With Just A Shell (And How To Stop Me)
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Brisbane floods: before and after
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Web Services Our Startup Relies On Every Day
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Facebook's 3rd Biggest Advertiser is a Bing Affiliate Scam
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W3C HTML5 Logo Unveiled
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Easing into SICP
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Goodbye Facebook
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Facebook is a Ponzi Scheme
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Why U.S. Galaxy S Phones run Android 2.1
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Eek, A Male
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-17
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 17, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A has been published
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List of JavaScript Game Engines
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What if Tunisia had a revolution, but nobody watched?
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Applications Open For Summer 2011 YC Funding Cycle
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Redirect a running process output to a file and log out
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My Experiences as a Female Software Engineer
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How Much Does a Single Search Cost Google?
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Google Translate adds easter egg that recognizes the beatboxing hack
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Steve Jobs To Take ‘Medical Leave Of Absence’, Stays On As CEO
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How Facebook Ships Code
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-16
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 16, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Paranoia and deletion: the wipe man page
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Why pi?
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DropQuest 2011
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Roll your own toy UNIX-clone OS
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Why Minecraft Matters
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The Ambiguity of Open and H.264 vs. VP8
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Development and testing of the Stuxnet worm
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Shortchanging Your Business with User-Hostile Platforms
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Watch a swarm of flying robotic drones construct a tiny building
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Facebook Now Shares Phone Number & Address With Third-Party Apps
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-15
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 15, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
"I think that djb redo will turn out to be the Git of build systems."
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Git Immersion
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Why American Mothers are Superior
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Chromium Blog: More about the Chrome HTML Video Codec Change
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Malware researcher Dancho Danchev gone missing since August
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We need help with the disappearance of Security Researcher Dancho Danchev
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Using Python and heat maps to determine the best place to aim on a dart board
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Garry Tan moving on from Posterous and joining YC
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Fast Levenshtein distance using a Trie
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Top Mistakes in Behavior Change
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-14
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 14, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
How to get your startup on Hacker News
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I love async, but I can't code like this
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Spray-on liquid glass is about to revolutionize almost everything
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MIT OpenCourseWare introduces courses designed for independent learners
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US Patent system so dysfunctional you can patent a stick from a tree
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The most mysterious Google ranking ever...
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Why you should never, ever use two spaces after a period
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Reasons to Open a Chinese Bank Account
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Projects: hijack (Hijacking the iPhone earphone jack)
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Things Real People Don't Say About Advertising
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-13
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 13, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Arbor.js - HTML5 graph visualization library
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10 Questions for John Gruber Regarding H.264, WebM
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Drunk scientists pour wine on superconductors and make an incredible discovery
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Carnegie Mellon CS Professor challenges Sony by mirroring Geohot's PS3 hacks
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Flowchart : Should you work for Free?
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A Comfy Helvetica frontpage for Hacker News
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Why You Can't Hire Great Perl Programmers
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How to write a simple operating system
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Google's dropping H.264 in Chrome is not a step backward for openness.
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“OK, but there are two rules…”
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-12
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 12, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Scala == Effective Java?
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L-Theanine: a 4,000 Year Old Mind-Hack
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How Pixar Bosses Saved Their Employees from Layoffs
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NYTimes Opensources Their Deep Linking JS
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Simple Questions for Google Regarding Chrome’s Dropping of H.264
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Bitterness, Anger And Betrayal At MySpace
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PS3 Root Key Hacker Sued
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A Localization Horror Story: It Could Happen To You
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For what are the Windows A:\ and B:\ drives used?
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On Not Hiring
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-11
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 11, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Announcing NoSQL Tapes
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Extruding Ice from Steel Fences and Pipes with Diurnal Freeze/Thaw
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Chrome Release Cycle
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When A Game Designer teaches a College Course: No Grading, just Levelling Up
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Why Chinese Mothers are Not Superior (from a female Chinese engineer)
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Why GIMP is Inadequate
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10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget
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Why So Many Rich People Don’t Feel Very Rich
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There is no place for just shitting all over other people's work
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Google Removing H.264 Support in Chrome
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-10
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 10, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design
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Inequality in Equalland
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Sorry, your “cool” webapp is probably not going to make money
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Learning Advanced JavaScript
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The Trillion Dollar Website (a story of quantitative easing)
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FlightCaster (YC S09) Acquired
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Bayesian stats book banned in China
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Why Caltech Is in a Class by Itself
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Production is Red, Development is Blue
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My winter break project — Silk
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-09
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 09, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
A Healthy Diet For The Mind
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Latency Compensating Methods in Client/Server Games
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The PhD Problem: "Talk of a ‘higher education bubble’ may not be idle chatter”
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The Python Paradox
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And suddenly, you're hip
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StackOverflow clone, created entirely with Redis and jQuery
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Reddit/HN clone in Clojure
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Obama administration moves forward with unique Internet ID for all Americans
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Steve's story - Google employee #13
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-08
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 08, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Business Models That Rocked 2010
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Richard Feynman and The Connection Machine
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A Note About Git Commit Messages
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Why Your Form Buttons Should Never Say 'Submit'
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Vim Recipes
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Facebook hype will fade
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Princeton Grad Student And 'Brilliant' Programmer, Dies In Apparent Suicide
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VLC for iOS Pulled from the App Store
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What does one trillion dollars look like?
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Redis memory fragmentation contest
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-07
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 07, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Things You Might Not Know about jQuery
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CES2011: The end of the PC era
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We are in the AOL days of social networking
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New "How Airbnb Works" video (shot at 13 locations around world)
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NYT Review of ‘The 4-Hour Body’
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A warning to hackers: be careful building on Twitter's API
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Engineering management at Facebook
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Cwora - taking the piss out of Quora
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SOAP: The 'S' stands for simple (not really)
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Chart of YC companies' hosting decisions, 2010 edition
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-06
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 06, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Nvidia announces Project Denver ARM CPU for the desktop
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Google shows off Android 3.0, the 'Entirely for Tablet' Honeycomb (video)
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R.I.P. Ruby Hash Rocket Syntax 1993-2010
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Pizza And Ramen Are Hurting Your Startup
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Google’s decreasingly useful, spam-filled web search
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RIP Bill Zeller
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Trimensional: 3D Scanner for iPhone
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Dear Google: please let me ban sites from results
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Mac App Store: Open for Business
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Hard Core: What Porn's Ubiquity Says About Men and Women
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-05
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 05, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Stealing the United States Government by stealing .gov
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Why I'm not buying Facebook
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Could It Be? Spooky Experiments That 'See' The Future
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Redis: new disk storage to replace VM
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Game Preview: Voxatron - voxel-based, destructible environment, 8bit soundtrack
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Drupal 7 Released
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The Dubai Job
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Google's library for dealing with phone numbers (Java/JavaScript)
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Russian Physicists Solve Radio Black-Out Problem for Re-Entering Spacecraft
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Technical job post tips for the desperate
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-04
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 04, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Facebook-Goldman: Where Is the S.E.C.?
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The MOS 6502 and the Best Layout Guy in the World
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Paul Buchheit: Angel investing, my first three years
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Dating Denial of Service attack
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I Paid a Bribe
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PHP 5.3.3 hangs on numeric value 2.2250738585072011e-308
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How to build an 8x8x8 LED cube
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Firefox overtakes IE in Europe
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Rich Hickey stops Clojure funding appeal from 2011 onwards
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Profitable W11 startup looking for hackers. Join us in our quest to kick healthcare's ass.
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-03
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 03, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
The No. 1 Habit of Highly Creative People
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New cave found in Vietnam: "A skyscraper could fit"
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Goldman Sachs invests in Facebook at $50 Billion valuation
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The CIA Meets MIT
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Visualization of stock market performance over time, adjusted for inflation
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Trouble In the House of Google
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Root keys for Sony’s PlayStation 3 go public
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How I Made My First 100 Sales
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Google tracks you. We don't. An illustrated guide
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Google Will Become an AI Company
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-02
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 02, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
How my iPhone made me miss my first flight of the year
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Review of the 11" MacBook Air
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Wikipedia Raises $16 Million to Remain Ad-Free
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Calories, fat or carbohydrates? Why diets work (when they do)
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Working hurts less than procrastinating, we fear the twinge of starting
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People will never line up for Android phones
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Fixing XSS on a bank website - A customer's saga
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Giving up on Ruby packaging
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RSS Is Dying, and You Should Be Very Worried
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What Could Have Been Entering the Public Domain on January 1, 2011?
Daily Hacker News for 2011-01-01
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on January 01, 2011 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Steve Jobs Understands Team Building
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How To Avoid Getting Fired From Your Own Company
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Minimalism: It Works
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Github 404 page
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Charlie Stross: Reasons to be Cheerful
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Mozilla’s Rejection of NativeClient Hurts the Open Web
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Ask HN: Who's Hiring? (January 2011 Edition)
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Revealed: The guy behind IMDb
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Why We Desperately Need a New (and Better) Google
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Ask HN: Who Is Hiring Remote Workers? (January 2011 Edition)
Daily Hacker News for 2010-12-31
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on December 31, 2010 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
No More Fear
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Skype banned from China
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The Doctor vs. Char Limits
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Forking Etiquette
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The last unconquered sector of the web
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Ask HN: What are the best technologies you've worked with this year?
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Cannabalt for iOS now open source
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Important Safety Notice from WakeMate
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Breaking a WoW addiction
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Hotlinking to jquery.com will be disabled on January 31, 2011