Daily Hacker News for 2015-11-19
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on November 19, 2015 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
Signs Point to Unencrypted Communications Between Terror Suspects
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A Back Door to Encryption Won't Stop Terrorists
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Doctors want ban on prescription drug, device advertisements
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Police Civil Asset Forfeitures Exceed All Burglaries in 2014
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John McCain wants to outlaw encryption that the US government can't crack
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Comcast injects JavaScript into webpages to show copyright notices to customers
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Berlin public transport in real time
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Chuck Forsberg has died – author of Zmodem
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Making Elm faster and friendlier in 0.16
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ARRIS Cable Modem Has a Backdoor in the Backdoor
Posted at 2015-11-20 00:00 | Permanent link |