Daily Hacker News for 2021-02-09
The 10 highest-rated articles on Hacker News on February 09, 2021 which have not appeared on any previous Hacker News Daily are:
I followed my dreams to get demoted to software developer
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New 10 Terapixel Image of the Night Sky Contains 1B Galaxies
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Hacker increased chemical level at Oldsmar's city water system, sheriff says
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20% of requests for Wikimedia Commons are for one image of a flower
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Turning an old Amazon Kindle into a eInk development platform
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Algorithms by Jeff Erickson
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No support Linux hosting shutting down from hack
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José Valim Reveals “Project Nx” (Numerical Elixir) [audio]
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Facebook sued for ‘losing control’ of users’ data
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Cops are playing music while citizens are filming to trigger copyright filters
Posted at 2021-02-10 00:00 | Permanent link |