Amazon, Web Services, and Sesame Street

Two years ago, Sesame Street's Cookie Monster learned a lesson: Some foods -- like vegetables -- are "anytime" foods, while others -- including cookies -- are "sometimes" foods. Cookie Monster can't just go ahead and eat cookies whenever he likes (which, presumably, would be all the time) -- instead, he has to ask "is sometimes now?". I was reminded of this by, of all things, Amazon's recent launch of its SimpleDB database service.

Amazon's SimpleDB is conceptually very similar to Amazon's S3 storage service: Where S3 provides a key -> file mapping, SimpleDB provides a (key, attribute) -> value mapping. The main difference between the two is in pricing: S3 is optimized for storage of large files, with a cost of $0.15 per GB-month -- a factor of 10 less than the $1.50 per GB-month which SimpleDB costs for storage -- while SimpleDB is optimized for transactions, with requests priced based on CPU usage ($0.14 per CPU-hour) which will inevitably be far less than S3's $1 per million reads and $1 per hundred thousand writes.

The most important similarity between S3 and SimpleDB -- and the fact that will probably cause the most headaches to potential users -- is a rather esoteric one: Neither S3 nor SimpleDB guarantee that they will always be consistent. Instead, they both guarantee "eventual consistency": You can update a file in S3 (or a value in SimpleDB) and then get an old version of the file (or value) back when you try to read it a moment later -- but "eventually" the updates will propagate through Amazon's network and be visible.

This "eventual consistency" greatly limits what SimpleDB can be used for. Don't try to use it to store any sort of accounting information, for example: If you adjust an account balance twice in quick succession (with each transaction being performed as a read-modify-write sequence) there's a good chance that you'll lose the first transaction because it won't have propagated by the time that you read data for the second transaction. One approach to solving this problem would be to cache values: If you've written a value to SimpleDB (or stored a file on S3) then hold onto it for a while to give SimpleDB (or S3) a chance to propagate the update.

Unfortunately, this solution is unworkable: There's no way to know how long you'll need to hold onto recently-stored data for. A few seconds is probably enough. A few hours is almost certainly enough. But there's no way to know -- you can't even try reading the data back from SimpleDB (or S3) to check if you get the "new" version, because if Amazon's network partitions (due to hardware, software, human, or backhoe error) it's possible that updates have propagated to some parts of SimpleDB/S3 but not others. (This is an instance of a general theorem: It's impossible to build a distributed system which is partition tolerant, available, and consistent. Amazon has, in their design, chosen availability rather than consistency.)

In order to make SimpleDB and S3 (and indirectly, EC2) more usable, Amazon should add a new API call -- one which I've been asking them to add for the past 8 months. This API call would answer the following question: "When is the most recent time T, such that all data which was stored prior to time T is now guaranteed to be visible everywhere?" This would allow users of SimpleDB and S3 to keep recently-stored data cached for as long as it was necessary; but to flush those cache entries once SimpleDB and S3 could guarantee that the data had propagated, thereby keeping the cache size under control.

In other words, just like Cookie Monster asks "is sometimes now?", we need an API which will answer the question "is eventually now?"

Posted at 2007-12-14 12:01 | Permanent link | 1 Comment

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