RIP FreeBSD 4.10 (May 27, 2004 -- May 31, 2006)

As I wrote this morning in an email to the FreeBSD -Security and -Stable mailing lists, FreeBSD 4.10 has 'expired' and is no longer supported effective June 1, 2006. Other notable upcoming branch EoL dates are FreeBSD 5.3 and FreeBSD 5.4 at the end of October 2006, and FreeBSD 6.0 at the end of November 2006.

This means that a lot of people should be upgrading to new releases soon. I've published some instructions in the past for performing such upgrades using the released ISO images, but even these simplified instructions aren't foolproof. As part of the work I'm doing right now on FreeBSD Update I expect to put together a much simpler release-to-release upgrade script.

Watch this space!

Posted at 2006-06-05 20:40 | Permanent link | 0 Comments

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