Dell DVD-RW diagnostics errors
The Dell diagnostics, version 1295.0, on Latitude D620 (and possibly other) laptops appear to contain a bug wherein they will incorrectly report errors on DVD-RW drives.The symptoms include
- Error code 0F00:2876 during the "Spindle test" component of the Built-In Self Test,
- Complaining that the drive does not contain a data CD, even when the drive does contain a CD, and
- Repeatedly attempting, and failing, to spin up the drive after a new CD is inserted.
I don't expect any of the regular readers of my Daemonic Dispatches will be affected by this problem, but hopefully by posting this where search engines can find it, I'll save someone a few days of agony; I've just been through two DVD drive replacements and a motherboard replacement before discovering that the diagnostics fail on other (completely operational) hardware.
Posted at 2006-11-03 01:00 | Permanent link |