Tarsnap news

It has been just over two months since I opened the tarsnap beta to the public, and I've been busy making improvements to tarsnap -- a few bug fixes, but mostly added features. While some of the features I've added to tarsnap recently resulted from suggestions I've received in the past two months, the majority are things I've had planned for a long time; but even with those, input I've received from tarsnap beta testers has been useful, as many of the features I've added were much lower priorities until I started getting lots of emails asking for them.

A detailed listing of the improvements in individual versions of the tarsnap client code is available from the tarsnap beta client download page (and an even more detailed listing can be produced using diff), but in my eyes the most important changes in the past two months are:

While tarsnap is much better now than it was two months ago, I still have a long list of improvements waiting to be made -- and I'm sure there is an even longer list of improvements which I haven't thought of and nobody has asked for yet. So go get started with tarsnap and then send me your ideas for how to make it better!

Posted at 2009-01-17 13:50 | Permanent link | 4 Comments

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