Tarsnap reaches profitability
[I meant to write this last week, but instead I spent several days tracking down a nasty bug in tarsnap. The first rule of software engineering: Schedules slip. I'm sure I made the right choice, though, in setting this aside to fix the bug -- fixing bugs in tarsnap will always be more important than writing blog posts.]One of the most common questions I receive about tarsnap is this: What guarantee can I provide that the tarsnap service will continue to operate? This is a reasonable concern; after all, with services like Omnidrive and HP Upline shutting down, what guarantee is there that tarsnap won't also shut down? Until recently, the best answer I could give was "trust me"; but now I can give a much better answer: As of the end of February, tarsnap is profitable.
Now, this is only under the most limited definition of profitable: In February, tarsnap had more income than expenses; but it isn't paying me a salary yet. Tarsnap isn't making enough profit to pay for my living expenses (Paul Graham uses the wonderful phrase "ramen profitable" to describe this), never mind matching what I could earn by working elsewhere; and it hasn't made enough profit to cover its accrued losses (either those in the three months between moving into public beta and becoming profitable, or the expenses during the lengthy unpaid private beta testing period), never mind matching what I could have earned over the past two years if I had decided not to work on tarsnap.